School of Science:: The University of Jordan ::

  School of Science - Department of Physics

Department Strategy


The future vision of the department can be summarized within the following:
1. Promoting quality education in Physics taking advantage of the fast developing fields of pedagogy and educational technology.
2. Strengthening research activities to cover: attracting qualified researchers, providing modern well equipped research labs, and expanding research in relevant new directions.
3. Strengthening mutual research and educational ties with prestigious universities and scientific centers of excellence.


Beginning with the establishment of the University of Jordan in 1963, the mission of the Physics Department has been geared towards the following: 1. Educating young Jordanians to assume their roles as teachers of physics in Jordan and the regional Arab countries. 2. Preparing qualified graduates who are able to pursue their higher studies in Physics and related disciplines. 3. Providing graduate studies at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels to Jordanians and other Arab citizens to meet the market demands for more and better qualified graduates. 4. Initiating and promoting research activities in a number of specialized fields of theoretical and applied physics that respond to the market needs. 5. Supplying industry, business, and the government public service, with qualified personnel and manpower. 6. Supplying technical staff as lab assistants and supervisors to: universities, schools, hospitals and private industries and business.

Long term objectives of the B.Sc. Program of the Physics Department at The University of Jordan aim at enabling its graduates to be able to:Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1 To provide the students with core physics courses that are designed to enable them to pursue graduate studies in physics, both theoretical and experimental, with emphasis on computational skills. PEO 2 To prepare the students for teaching physics at high schools, with special attention to training them in communication and managerial skills. PEO 3 To make the students aware of their societal responsibilities, motivating them to actively participate in disseminating scientific knowledge as well as to contribute to programs of science clubs in local schools and of promoting scientific literacy, especially amongst underprivileged communities in peripheral rural areas.

Intended Students Learning Outcomes (ISLO'S)

at the successful completion of the physics program, graduates are expected to be able to. SLO (1) Master professionally a broad set of knowledge concerning the fundamentals in the basic areas of physics: Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Electrostatics and Magnetism, Thermal Physics, Optics, Theory of Special Relativity, Mathematical Physics, Electronics. SLO (2) Apply knowledge of mathematics and fundamental concepts in the basic areas of physics to identify and solve physics related problems. SLO (3) Utilize computers and available software in both data collections and data analysis. SLO (4) Utilize standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data. SLO (5) Develop a recognition of the need and ability to engage in life-long learning. SLO (6) Demonstrate ability to use techniques, skills, and modern scientific tools necessary for professional practice. SLO (7) Communicate clearly and effectively in both written and oral forms. SLO (8) Apply proficiently team-work skills and employ team-based learning strategies. SLO(9) Apply professional and ethical responsibility to society.