School of Science:: The University of Jordan :: The faculty organized some international conferences as well as workshops. To mention some

Schools Acheivements


The faculty organized some international conferences as well as workshops. To mention some

The faculty organized some international conferences as well as workshops. To mention some:

EuAsC2S-11: The aim of EuAsC2S is to support the progress of chemistry in developing countries and provide young and talented chemists with the unique opportunity to be exposed to the frontier areas of chemistry. (It was hold in Dead Sea 6-9 October 2010).

- ICYC: This conference was celebrated 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC), which was initiated by the IUPAC and declared by the UNISCO.  The main aim of this conference was to “encourage interest in chemistry among young people, and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry, which is one of the IYC goals (It was hold inside between the University of Jordan in 8-10 April 2012).

- DEMOTRANS: This conference will, for its part, foster transdisciplinary dialogue at the interface of the social and natural sciences so as to refine the tools required to understand the broader import of demographic change. (It was hold in the University of Jordan in 14-16 January 2012).

-Workshop “Geopolymers from Jordanian raw materials”: The workshop was aimed at science and engineering graduate students of University of Jordan and other Jordanian Universities, the Jordanian scientific community and Jordanian industries. The workshop will present scientific and technological results of the VUB-U of Jordan VLIR-project, and give information about realized infrastructure at University of Jordan. (It was hold in the University of Jordan in 16 April 2012.