الجامعة الأردنية :: كلية العلوم:: اعلانات الكلية

اعلانات الكلية

تتشرف لجنة الندوات في قسم الكيمياء/ الجامعة الأردنية بدعوتكم لحضور محاضرة علمية

New Organic p-Conjugated Systems Derived

From Pentacene-5,7,12,14-tetraone

Dr. Eyad Younes

Assistant Professor

Department of Chemistry

The Hashemite University


د.اياد يونس

استاذ مساعد

قسم الكيمياء

الجامعة الهاشمية


Place: Seminar Room, Department of Chemistry المكان : قاعة النشاطات / قسم الكيمياء

Date & Time: Wednesday 06/3/2019 at 12:30 pm 2019 الساعة 12:30 ظهرا /03/ الزمان: الاربعاء 06


Pentacene and its derivatives have unique optoelectronic properties, which make them promising

materials in molecular electronic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)1 and

organic field-effect transistors (OFETs)2. In this presentation, we report our recent studies on the

functionalization of pentacene-5,7,12,14-teraone by olefination and transition-metal catalyzed

cross-coupling reactions. A new class of pi-conjugated donor/acceptor systems has been

synthesized using pentacenetetraone as the precursor, while the structural, electronic and redox

properties of these compounds were characterized by spectroscopic analyses in conjunction with

density functional theory (DFT) calculations.3-4

(1) Kitamura, M.; Imada, T.; Arakawa, Y. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2003, 83 (16), 3410.

(2) Horowitz, G. Adv. Mater. 1998, 10 (5), 365-377.

(3) Younes, E. A.; Zhao, Y. RSC Adv. 2015, 5 (108), 88821.

(4) Younes, E. A.; Zhao, Y. Org. Chem. Front., 2017, 4, 804-810