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Dietary polyacetylenes, falcarinol and falcarindiol, prevents the formation of neoplastic lesions in the colon of azoxymethaneinduced rats In Chemistry Department 22 Nov 2017

The seminars committee at the Chemistry Department at the University of Jordan invites you for a lecture titled:
تتشرف لجنة الندوات في قسم الكيمياء/ الجامعة الأردنية بدعوتكم لحضور محاضرة علمية بعنوان:


 Dietary polyacetylenes, falcarinol and falcarindiol, prevents the formation of neoplastic lesions in the colon of azoxymethaneinduced rats

Dr. Rime B. El-Houri
Department of Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology, University of Southern Denmark
Odense - Denmark
د. ريم الحوري
استاذ مساعد /قسم الهندسة الكيميائية, التكنولوجيا الحيوية والتكنولوجيا البيئية
جامعة جنوب الدنمارك
اودنسا- الدنمارك
Place: Seminar Room, Department of Chemistry
المكان : قاعة النشاطات / قسم الكيمياء
Date & Time: Wednesday 22/11/2017 at 2:00 pm
الزمان: الاربعاءد 22/11/2017 في تمام الساعة 2:00 بعدالظهر
 The polyacetylenes falcarinol (FaOH) and falcarindiol (FaDOH) are found in many food plants of the Apiaceae family. Carrots are a major dietary source of these polyacetylenes. Feeding azoxymethane (AOM)-induced rats with carrots and purified FaOH have previously been shown to inhibit neoplastic transformations in the colon. FaOH and FaDOH have also shown to have a synergistic effect in vitro, resulting in a significant increased cytotoxic activity. Based on these findings the antineoplastic effect of FaOH and FaDOH purified from carrots (purity > 99%) was investigated in the AOM-induced rat model. Twenty rats received rat diet containing 7 μg FaOH per g feed and 7 μg FaDOH per g feed and 20 rats were controls receiving only rat diet. Then carcinogenesis was induced in all 40 rats with the carcinogen AOM. All animals received the designated diet for 2 weeks before AOM induction and continued on the designated diet throughout the experiment. Rats were euthanized 18 weeks after the first AOM injection and macroscopic polyp/cancers were measured, harvested and stained for histology. The number of small ACF clusters was reduced by 26.6% (P < 0.001), number of large ACF clusters reduced by 56.7% and (P = 0.027), and finally the number of tumors larger than 3 mm were reduced by 83.3% (P = 0.032) in treated rats compared to controls. In conclusion dietary supplements with FaOH and FaDOH reduced the number of neoplastic lesions as well as the growth rate of the polyps suggesting a preventive effect of FaOH and FaDOH on the development of colorectal cancer.